Holistic Medicine
Spiritual & Psychic
Astrology & Tarot
Mystic Seed - echoes of the sages
Poetry by Roy Austin
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Techniques for Healing Adult Survivors of Childhood
Abuse. Healing Services and Self Help Book.
Awakening Spirit - Aroma Therapy and Herbal Products
The finest in personal care and aromatherapy products. Send
your tired body on an exotic vacation, your stressed mind to
Nirvana and let your awakened spirit soar with our custom blended
all natural personal care products.
Astromind Physical Mental and Spiritual Mastery
Astromind is a cognitive research and development project located in Iceland.
Psychic Readings and Meditation
Sedra offers meditation courses, psychic services on line
Herbal Life Products
Natural maca, an ancient vegetable root from Peru, for an improvement
in natural energy and sexual performance.
Moonlight Mysteries
Beautiful pagan, wiccan, and celtic jewelry and supplies.
Find talismans, incense, cloaks, herbs, and much more.
Alternative counseling focusing
on spiritual growth
Online counseling services that help you find and remove the blocks
that are holding you back in your spiritual growth. Pain and drama
don’t have to be part of your life. Learn how to have the world act
as your mirror with peace and love. Discover how to free the power
of your heart by releasing the hold of your negative mind.
Abstract Art Galleries
Julio Mateo's abstract metaphysical paintings, drawings and graphics
galleries. Exhibiting over 200 of the artist's works based on sacred
geometry, nature, and art's relationship to cosmic creation. Site includes
Artist's Interview on art and metaphysics, selected Guest Artists'
Galleries, Categorized Links Directory, web resources and goodies, more.
The Magical Blend
Metaphysical Catalog - Wicca,Occult, Pagan, Magick.
Canada's largest esoteric store, specializing in metaphysical
and magical supplies and gifts. Online catalog, secure ordering, searchable database. ...
Who is the Free Spirit Centre?
The Free Spirit Centre is an online centre devoted to personal
& soul growth, eating disorders, healing and human issues where
like-minded free spirits connect from around the world.
Ye Olde Consciousness Shoppe...
Ye Olde Consciousness Shoppe presents ideas and images about
transforming consciousness and reaching a higher level of reality.
These ideas include alchemy, paradoxical thinking, and meditation....
The Sanctuary, for healing and teaching,body, mind and soul recovery
taichi,homoeopathy,hypnotherapy,counceling,massage,spiritual healing, essential
Dusty's Favorite LINKS
3.2 years Life
Cycles in Time Integration and Synchronicity Coincidences.
Using birthdays and the Life Cycles Matrix System for insight in your
consciousness, course of life, relationship, child raising,
job, career, business, study and destiny.
Innova Pacific Saltcrystal Lamps
Wellbeing enhancers and natural ionisers Beautiful salt crystal lamps,
hundreds of millions of years old, natural ionisers
Global Vision International
Specialising in hard to get and suppressed information, Ufo's,
Ancient Knowledge, Alternative Therapies and more
Antiquity Wisdom Scrolls
Wisdom of the ages - quotations presented on attractive scrolls
handcrafted in Melbourne, Australia. Includes beautiful traditional
illumination from a monastery where this craft still survives. Large
range of texts - some well known, others original.
Global Psychics Metaphysics
Mega Site... Amazingly accurate readings, insights on love,
life and the paranormal; ghost stories, tips on using your intuition,
practical magic, secure on-line shopping and lots more...
Healing Hands Society
An online educational experience and community offering health and
wellness information. Lots of resources.
In Light Times: New Age and
Metaphysics Newspaper On-line newspaper dealing with
Metaphysical subjects, Spirituality, Astrology, UFOs, Alternative
health, Relationships, and the Paranormal...
Mach 1 Audio's Listing of resources
for growth and development:Books, Tpaes... Books, Tpaes, CD's
and information or the subjects of Astral projection, out of body travels,
Reiki, aromatherapy, the new age, healing, spiritual growth, hypnosis,
Hypnosis, music, visionary art, yog...
Opening up to Intuitive
knowledge Opening up to the world of intuition and messages
from the realm of Soul, Spirit, Angels, Ascended Masters, Higher
Spirit's Journey Home Page.
New age and Spiritual enlightenment.ProvidingIn...
Spirit's Journey home page.New age and Spiritual enlightenment.
Providing Information and Entertainment for A Healthy Mind,
Body and Spirit....
Windows of Opportunity... Noh-Ra Amrani unity through diversity
love transformation metaphysics spirituality articles channeling
poetry Ancient Egypt American Indian healing extraterrestrials religion ...
Holistic Medicine
Crown Jewels . . .
Strange Properties of Stones
STRANGE Properties of Stones. FUN! ACTION! Send FREE Healing
Postcards. Find your prosperity, birth, and astrological gems.
Online store. TRYX Hair and wirewrap Jewelry. Chat, Links, Classifieds.
Jewelry Gem Stones
Crystals Metaphysical New Age Contemporary One Of A Kind...
jewelry gem stones crystals metaphysical new age custom unusual
minerals colored gems precious semi-precious gold silver platinum
Mystic Merchant Mystical Grits stones hand made one of a kind contempo...
A Traditional
Vision herbal`s & Pagan resource Community
Metaphysical Holistic Shoppe,free indepth pagan native like
minded community,chat forums topics like herbs and uses,native
stories much more safe family viewing.
Alexander Technique
The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique...
Alexander Technique The Complete Guide to the Alexander
Technique Do you carry excess tension in your body? Do you
suffer from Repetitive Strain Injury or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Do you have a backac...
An alternative health
approach - Body, Mind & SoulHealer
An alternative health approach, by combining medical intuition, clairvoyant readings,
biochemical analysis and vibrational healing to assist in personal growth and multidimensional
Health & Wealth - Secrets for Your Success
Protect and improve your health with simple, safe, and
effective solutions. Money making options and home business
Shamanic H
ealing for Abuse Survivors...
Spiritual Shamanic Techniques for Healing Adult Survivors
of Childhood Abuse. Healing Services and Self Help Book....
Etherium Gold -
Monatomic White Powder of Gold
Etherium Gold, a sacred white gold powder of monatomic
minerals, enhances energy fields and chakra centers. New
age products for meditation, dreams, health and nutrition,
spiritual healing and transformation, consciousness,
manifesting, and more. Ancient Egyptian texts refer to
use of white powder gold to feed their light bodies.
Keep Smilin.com offers
essential oils, missouri meerschaum corncob pipes, ...
Keep Smilin.com offers essential oils, to meet your
nutritional, physical fitness, and health needs. Missouri
meerschaum cool, sweet smoking corncob pipes, that Mark
Twain and Gen Douglas MacArt...
Spiritual and Psychic
Elsajoy: Spiritual Growth
Daily spiritual inspiration
Psychic Medium Readings by Marie!
Psychic medium readings by Marie through her loving spirit guides.
Majahnae/Heather: Just who is she?
Spirit editorials on life from A Spiritual Banquet: Comfort Food for Your Soul
Children of Light
Channeled information from Archangel Gabriel - Ron Baker and Robert Baker
Ask Your Fairy Godmother-- Tarot/ Intuitive Readings
Find direction, answers and peace of mind. Accurate, meaningful Tarot/
Intuitive readings at reasonable prices. All readings delivered via e-mail
within 24 hours and follow up included. Traditional and personalized spreads
available. See the road map for your life's journey.
Hello, my name is Marie, I'm a Professional Counselor in Psychic Tarot and I
can help find that new job, romance or financial opportunity by describing
who, when and how! And if you're looking at more than one opportunity, I
can tell which is best! I can help with almost any problem! For a great
Psychic Reading, please click on my WEBSITE!
Ask Claudia Psychic Healer
Welcome to a site which just might change your life.
Claudia offers accurate Psychic Readings, Emotional Healing,
Spiritual Counseling, and many forms of Alternative Healing
for healing on all levels.
Healing Arts Presents Rituals
Psychic Intuitive LaVaughn presents ritual and healing
tools and services including handmade new age products,
psychic readings, books, tarot gallery, and articles.
Sayahda a clairvoyant since birth, offers accurate life readings,
insightful articles, healing techniques, free on line teachings from the
Council, totem information and more....
Dadaji -
Download FREE spiritual books. A LOOK WITHIN.
FREE books by about Dadaji. Find answers to life's
deepest questions. Explore your life's purpose. No
organization, no rituals....
Directory of Reiki Practitioners Therapists ...
A resource list of Reiki trainers, educators, health
professionals, therapists and counselors. ...
IntegralSpirit.com -
Online community devoted to integral spirituality.
Your Community and Booksource for Integral Culture and
As we learn to enjoy every moment to the fullest,
we desire to continue our expansion. We receive this
expansion in myriad ways. One of those is by studying
the teachings of others....
One Spirit Project
Facilitating personal growth and spiritual enlightenment
through interaction and discussion, we encourage new
perspectives that will help you find meaning and purpose in
your life. Large resource directory.
Spiritual growth through astrology, numerology,
psychic readings, spiritual writing and visionary art....
"Dark Goddess" copyright May, 1999 by K.j. Reynolds -
Mixed Media Click on the Goddess to Enter the Sanctuary
Spiritual Sanctuary A Place of Inspiration, Contemplation,
and Support.
The Growing Room -
Personal Growth and Healing...
A website for those on a spiritual path of personal
growth and healing... What's stopping you?...
Awareness of your
optimum self by simple meditation secrets,techniques,exercises
and tips.
Meditation techniques,secrets,tips,exercises and meditations
for manifesting desires and self awareness exercises.
The hOMe Foundation...
This site offers Kriya Yoga Meditations and Initiations in
Sedona, AZ & an online book: A Recipe for Bliss, Kriya Yoga for
a New Millennium....
World Wide
Online Meditation Center...
The Worldwide Online Meditation Center ...is a
user-friendly site, created to provide clear,
straight-forward meditation instruction to people
anywhere on the planet.
Astrology and Tarot
Astrological Chart Online
You can draw your astrological chart right now for free. No need to buy
expensive astrology software to build your horoscope!
Complete Indian Vedic Astrology portal
for genuine consultation
Customized manual consultation and astrology reports on Vedic System.
Phone / Chat consultation by astrologers in India. Free horoscope
forecast on daily, monthly & annual basis.
Tarot by Marie!
Very accurate tarot readings on any problem, especially on
love and jobs.
Moon and Stars Tarot Card Readings
Professional Online Tarot Card Readings
Astrola's Metaphysical Den
Offers a daily and monthly horoscope, articles on meditation,
affirmations and more. Magical oils, medicine bags and more in a
secure shopping area.... ...
Starlight Astrology presents
the worlds largest compatibility area on the internet
Ann Futral's Starlight Astrology is the place to get your horoscopes.
A great place to find online compatibility charts, zodiac charts, and
astrology information. Free daily and weekly horoscopes!
Astrology by Star*Charts
Astrology information, charts and interpretations for greater insight into
relationships, career, family, and self-awareness. Free horoscopes and transit
forecasts. Resource for links to astrology, new age, psychic and related
YourPlanets -
Personalized Vedic Astrology
Personalized Vedic Astrology, An Excellent Interactive Vedic
Astrology Site with Free Horoscopes and Charts
Astrology and Psychic Readings
Win a FREE Astrology Reading, check your Daily Horoscopes and
Biorhythms, Talk to Live Psychics
Astrological Compatibility,
Love Advice, Astrology, Horoscopes, Synastry,Ch...
Astrology,charts, natal, transits; accurate: astrology, free: sun
signs readings, birthdays, horoscopes. relationships, astrological
compatibility, personals, romance, marriage, advice, reports, for...
Astrological Consulting...
Astrology reveals how we create our experiential reality through our
beliefs and definitions. Astrological Consulting specializes in private
counsel to understand these beliefs using the horoscope and...
Astrological or Jyotish Website,
Everything you want to know about the Astr...
Explanation of Vedic Astrology or Jyotish, explanation of Hindu Lunar
Zodiac Tarot, email course Vedic astrology, Vedic bookstore, female and
the astrology of India, uitleg van Westerse astrologie, ui...
Astrological*Insights Home Page...
"Electional astrology is the art of perfect timing to enhance
success. It is most often used to select the best date for marriage,
business startup, relocation, or major purchases sales."
AstroStar Astrology and
New Age Resources - Discount Astrology and New Age ...
Astrology and New Age resources, conferences, chat room,
thousands of discount astrology and New Age books, romance,
love,twin souls, daily horoscopes, weekly horoscopes, astrology
message board, free...
Celestial Tidings Astrology -
Free Astrological Charts, Weekly Horoscopes, ...
Astrological Charts, Free Chart Wheels, Progressed and Synastry Compatibility
Reports, Transits, Natal Charts for Children, Career Profiles....
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34 Articles - 179 pages on Scorpio. Plus a Zodiac compatibility,
Ascendant sign calculator, free horoscope - all signs, free astrology
readings, Iching, Fortune teller, scorpio pictures & icons. ...
Internationally known Psychic and Clairvoyant...
Internationally known psychic & Tarot reader John Russell.
John's experience and qualifications, client testimonials,
rates for readings, and more....
Southern Utah Astrology & Books...
Full service astrology site; accurate monthly forecast; free
charts; monthly drawing. Astrology as a spiritual system; emphasis
on soul development and the mystical experience. Online esoteric school ...
Welcome to Cosmic Patterns! The
home of the Superb Astrology Software, Kepl...
Makers of the Superb Astrology Software programs Kepler and
Pegasus. We also offer the world's best and largest collection of
Interpretive Reports, which are add-ons to these programs...
Copyright © 2001 Billings Worldwide Brain
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